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The cost of getting a mortgage loan is going up

In the spirit of keeping it simple, the fees charged to Buyers when obtaining a mortgage are about to cost more.  The primary people that are going to feel the pinch are lower FICO and higher loan to value (LTV) borrowers.  According to Brian Moggan at Mortgage Services Professionals that would be somewhere around FICO’s below 700 and loans in excess of 75% of the appraised value of a home.  

Bankrate.com has a relatively easy to understand article on the subject and it goes into much more detail: http://www.bankrate.com/finance/mortgages/fha-loan-costs-to-increase.aspx [1]

If you are a home buyer in Oakland, Piedmont or Berkeley these fee increases may make a dent in your pocket book.  Talk with your loan advisor to determine if you are on the cusp of qualifying.  You may be able to save big bucks by repairing a small FICO issue or saving a few more dollars towards a down payment.

Brian Santilena is a Senior Sales Associate and CRS with Pacific Union Real Estate and has been serving the communities of Oakland, Piedmont and Berkeley California since 1998.  You are free to Contact Brian [2] if you would like information about buying or selling real estate in the area.

Article printed from Real Estate in Oakland, Berkeley and Piedmont, California: https://homesintheeastbayhills.com

URL to article: https://homesintheeastbayhills.com/2011/02/the-cost-of-getting-a-mortgage-loan-is-going-up/

URLs in this post:

[1] http://www.bankrate.com/finance/mortgages/fha-loan-costs-to-increase.aspx : http://www.bankrate.com/finance/mortgages/fha-loan-costs-to-increase.aspx

[2] Contact Brian : http://homesintheeastbayhills.com/contact/

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